Daily Updates!!!

Saturday July 7, Day 10

Better be prepared to sweat today. Even though we didn’t get much rain yesterday or over night, it was still kind of muggy. But with the temperature in the low eighties, and a slight breeze, it sounded like it was going to be all right.

Had decided that I was not gonna pay 15 bucks to park tonight, but by the time I got there, the lots were all full, except for the $15 one. Shit! OK, so I had to cough up the 15, cause I did not want to drive around to find something a mile away, it’s late enough as it is.

There wasn’t much to see before 8:00 and I felt like one of those Jumbo Turkey Legs for Montreal’s. So I fought through the rather dense crown to get to Harley area. I think it was particularly bad because country fans were hoofin’ towards the Marcus for whoever the dudes playing there are. But, too bad. They were out of Legs until about 8 pm. So, decided to go to Water St. for one of the little appetizers they offer. Had a Monterey Chicken Pita and wanted an Octoberfest, but they were completely out! Well, a Bavarian Weiss is not too bad, so I got one of them. Went upstairs to eat it, but it was packed there, as everywhere else! I found a spot with direct view of the roof and what I refer to as the ”ghosty roofmen”, you know, where they put some hosey thing on a powerful blower and put it on the roof. Well, I had to take a picture of the two on the roof there!

Time to move to the Sprecher stage for The Big Wu , but that place was packed and it was not quite 8 o’clock yet, so there was time a Pale Lager or two. I was standing on the ground by the corner by the end of one of the covered areas. It was a sweat-box right there, oh, what the hell, they were jamming pretty good, so no problem. At some point, I got on a bench with sufficient height to be able to see the band (for a picture, naturally).

Later, I decided to go see what was going on at the other stages and combined a potty break with a little trip around the grounds, well, actually only to the Harley stage through the Miller area. Getting through here was a bit of a challenge, real thick crowd at this place. But a nice cool wind swept the area, which didn’t make it too bad!  Got to the Harley stage, not that many people there. A band called Jayla was on, not too bad, so they deserved to have their picture taken! And now back to the Sprecher stage! Moving through the masses is not very difficult, especially when you are just yourself and don’t have to constantly be looking for companions in order not to lose them. Turkey Leg? Nah, that will have to wait!

Got back to the Sprecher area, where the Wu was still at it. Had another Pale Lager and hung out for a bit.

Time to go check out the Doobies. The show had already started, so I guessed the place would be packed, which turned out to be true! Went to the back for the Turkey Leg. Now they had thousands! Got a little BBQ sauce with that, thank you! Nice and yummy, and hot. After finishing the Leg, I thought it was time to try to get down front for a pic of the band. By now, I have mastered the technique of getting in anywhere, so I got some nice shots.

It was now time to go hang out at the top deck of the WS Pavilion. Luckily, now there was plenty of room to sit down and enjoy a Weiss in peace and quiet. Yeah, right! Those damned Love Monkeys were noise polluting the air from the Big Backyard. Well, unwanted noise can be blocked out. As sort of revenge, I went down there and took a picture! Hoped the flash would disturb them. But egos like that probably thought that they were popular because someone took their pic.

Well, folks, the end is near. Only one more day left to party! On the way out, I passed Martino’s. Should I? Only a couple of chances left this year! Well all right, we go for it! For the CS Hot Dog, man. What else?

Another nice and mostly sunny day has come to an end. See you tomorrow for the Last Day.