Daily Updates!!!

Day 12.

The Day After. No, don’t worry! The good folks at Summerfest did not squeeze an extra day in that they didn’t tell anybody about. Not at all!
I just figured that it could be fun to round the hectic 11 days off with some fun stuff. A sort of a status, to use a fancy word, of yet another ‘Fest gone by. As you can probably see and read from the Daily Updates, I had a really good time this year. Well, I have a good time every year, as a matter of fact. The weather was just about perfect this time, but had the whole thing been delayed one week, it would have been picture perfect. OK, so you can’t win them all!

Just as the official Summerfest site has a list of fun facts, likewise will I.

Now, what else could be interesting to list. Oh yeah, memorabilia!

This year’s score counts the following:

Not impressive, you might say. Compared to previous years, it’s pretty good!

To you that sent me their feed back: Thanks a million.

To you that read this and didn’t bother to email me their comments: DO IT NOW!

Oh, and one last thing. Since nobody is reading this, apparently, THERE WILL BE NO DAILY UPDATES NEXT YEAR, unless I get some decent number of responses to this.

Have a good life!